Do tricks while you're in the air using left, right and down arrows. Swim forward with the up arrow to jump out of the water. Use the arrow keys to control your dolphin. Anything in the triple digits range is considered. While the first few apples are easy to get, the cube quickly gets crowded and you will have to maneuver around your own tail. This is the equivalent of retrieving 25 apples in one continuous run. You've got two minutes to earn as many as. Land in the water to make a nice entry and get a speed boost! Build up your speed and chain together lots of tricks to earn points. If you want to get creative, try out the Unlocked level editor to make your own challenges.Use the arrow keys to control your dolphin. Use your teleporting power to grab the key and escape. Nutze die Geschwindigkeitssteigerungen, um deinen Gegnern einen Schritt voraus zu sein, und drehe dich dann schnell um, um ihnen den Weg zu versperren und sie. Stärken Sie Ihre Schlange, indem Sie neben den anderen Schlangen auf dem Feld reiten. only one can win! Hangman Play the classic game with your friends! Hexanaut.ioBeim Powerline-Spielen sollte Ihr Hauptaugenmerk darauf liegen, Ihre Geschwindigkeit hochzuhalten. Powerline.io Earn XP and Achievements in multiplayer Snake! Mini Golf Battle Royale 50 players start. Hangman Play the classic game with your friends! Hexanaut.io UPDATE: Rank up and unlock new skins! Copter Royale Outlast your opponents in the ultimate copter arena.